Thursday 15 August 2013

Ugly Towns, They Exist

Yes it is true, a town can be ugly. They can be so ugly that it inspires people to vote.

I found this most amusing, hence a short post about it. I was worried a town near me would be on the list, but in my opinion the towns near (toward Richmond way) are pretty. But I am really surprise the scurge of the South West, Hounslow, the most place on Earth, isn't in the top ten. Really surprised. Everyone hates it, no one who goes there likes it and its a damn ugly. I only go there because it was ordained with a tube station and thats only because its near Heathrow airport.

I actually went to University in no. 9 on the list and I completely agree, Hatfield was vile through and through. And I love the fact that one of my least favourite city, Birmingham is on there too. After I first went there, I actually described it as a bigger version of Hounslow.

I went on to the website  and had a look through the top 100 on the list, and STILL, Hounslow wasn't there. So I emailed them this:

I would like to nominate Hounslow as being one of, if not, the crapest town. I live in Whitton, which is a small town in between Twickenham, Feltham and Hounslow. The two latter towns should both be nominated but Hounslow is the worst place on Earth. It is disgusting. The houses are over priced for the horrible area, it is dangerous to walk around at night and sometimes the day, the high street/shopping area is basically pound shops and bargain bin hell zones and there are known gangs to take over the local pubs and have public fights. It is a grim place, I really hate it. The only reason anyone has to go there is because it has a tube station overwise I know most people avoid it like the plague. You can feel your soul die every time you even drive past it. It is also an ugly place, which is why I surprised it wasn't even on the top 100.

On another matter, I noticed some blind fool nominated Teddington as a crap town just because they don't like middle class people. I think the nominations should be based on towns, not its residents. All three, apart from my own in defence of the town, should be excluded just because the hate middle class people. Its petty.

Thank you,


Hounslow has officially been nominated because it is utter crap. I also left an angry comment for those idiots who nominated Teddington.

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