Saturday 21 May 2011

"I Like, Old Movies . . ."

I declare that May 20th is officially Old Film Day!

I wasn't really having the best of days yesterday all because of one thing, but I won't get into that. Anyway to cheer myself up I decided to watch some old films because I do so enjoy the classics. Started off the day with The Marx Brothers in A Night at the Opera, which is in my top ten favourite films. I needed something to make me laugh and think of the old times and it did just that. Only a handful of my friends know who the Marx Brothers are, which surprises me greatly, but only because I grew up watching the films with my family. Something that I'm very grateful for my parents doing, making me watch old films.

Of course when I was younger, ten or eleven, I'd be talking about The Marx Brothers or The Court Jester but all my friends wouldn't know what I was talking about, they thought all black and white films were rubbish. But hahahahh to them, because if it wasn't for those old movies who would we wear on our t-shirts and have on our accessories and what the hell would films be like now. Those silly children didn't realise then, but why do people keep remaking films and recycling stories, because old films are important. Of course, if I had said anything like that then (it would have been weird) they would just called me stupid or something childish.

After the Marx Bros I moved onto another classic, something from good old Frank Capra, It Happened One Night. I first saw this film with my mum after a shopping trip a few years ago. I had bought it on a whim as I had always wanted to see it. I had only ever seen the hitchhiking scene and a few photographs and that peaked my interest. It was great and it was ten times better than any rom-com these days. The formula was so familiar but used some much better. Plus it was actually laugh out loud funny.

Dinner time arrived which meant one thing, it was time to watch some film noir, The Maltese Falcon and my it was good. First time I had seen it and it was slightly confusing to start with but I picked it up. I couldn't work out if Sam Spade was an arse or just really smart and the mystery was a tad unusual but it was a really good film. I don't want to say too much don't want to spoil it.

Last but not least, I couldn't go to sleep without seeing one of favourite director's films. Hitchcock just before sleeping is always a good plan to me and I chose another of my top ten, Rear Window. One of my favourite film sets too, the background actors actually lived in on set while filming. Hitchcock made films so well that I couldn't imagine anyone ever remaking them. I block that Psycho remake from my mind and whenever I hear rumours of other remakes and just hope the plans fall through. You shouldn't mess with a masterpiece.

So next year remember, Old Film Day, May 20th!

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